2014 China Tourism Facts & Figures

Sizes of Star-rated Hotels and Their Business Statistics in 2014

By end of 2014, 12,037 star-rated hotels (about 94.02% of all star hotels in the database of China National Tourism Administration) submitted operating data and, of these, 11,180 are currently under operation. Among all the 11,180 operating ones, 99 are one-star rated, 2,557 are two-star rated, 5,406 are three-star rated, 2,373 are four-star rated, and 745 are five-star rated. These 11,800 hotels altogether had 1,497,900 rooms and 2,624,800 beds with fixed assets of CNY 500.948 billion. Their total revenue was CNY 215.145 billion: 41.13%, or CNY 88.489 billion, was from affiliated restaurants; and 43.53%, CNY 93.653 billion was from the rooms. Their average room rate was CNY334.80/room/night; average occupancy was 54.00%; the revenue per available room was CNY 181,480, and the revenue per room was CNY 143,630.

 The sizes of star hotels and their business statistics in 2014:
Number of Hotels Average Room Rate (CNY / Room / Night) Average Occupancy (%) Revenue Per Available Room (CNY/ Room/ Night) Revenue Per Room (CNY 1,000 / Room)
Total 11,180 334.80 54.00 181.48 143.63
5-star 745 678.73 55.00 376.08 293.26
4-Star 2,373 354.86 54.00 194.30 156.10
3-Star 5,406 213.60 53.00 114.39 92.10
2-Star 2,557 160.89 53.00 85.68 62.14
1-Star 99 106.75 49.00 52.75 37.90

 The detailed figures of star hotels in some major tourism cities in quarter four:

City Average Room Rate (CNY / Room / Night) Average Occupancy (%) Revenue Per Available Room (CNY / Room / Night) Revenue Per Room (CNY / Room)
Beijing 525.72 58.35 306.76 58891.96
Tianjin 398.14 51.16 203.70 38245.39
Shanghai 675.58 67.66 457.09 92222.07
Nanjing 373.70 67.97 254.00 57870.89
Suzhou 416.98 57.70 240.61 53770.50
Hangzhou 411.26 60.08 247.08 53432.50
Huangshan 311.11 45.16 140.50 22276.40
Xiamen 459.86 62.78 288.71 50320.69
Qingdao 373.99 54.13 202.44 41974.96
Luoyang 278.39 59.82 166.54 54961.06
Wuhan 390.73 63.74 249.04 42132.72
Zhangjiajie 190.04 49.55 94.17 12810.55
Guangzhou 523.69 66.20 346.68 39703.31
Shenzhen 462.39 69.28 320.33 45426.28
Guilin 211.27 50.82 107.37 17920.81
Sanya 875.36 67.08 587.22 72504.13
Chongqing 347.77 60.93 211.90 38352.59
Chengdu 450.32 58.32 262.65 45576.21
Kunming 351.88 53.30 187.57 31217.09
Lijiang 193.64 50.77 98.30 10276.40
Lhasa 381.71 42.66 162.84 18011.48
Xi'an 328.19 61.50 201.83 36209.25
Urumqi 320.29 49.90 159.82 34919.44
Dalian 304.50 47.85 145.70 27630.81
Harbin 348.75 55.48 193.49 32829.18
Guiyang 368.30 61.63 226.98 36620.08
Lanzhou 339.19 59.01 200.15 31217.45
Shenyang 312.26 52.54 164.07 33931.27
Changchun 332.72 54.91 182.70 33800.39
Yichang 217.23 53.80 116.88 23847.84


Sizes of Travel Services and Their Business Statistics in 2014

According to the China National Tourism Administration, there were 26,650 travel agencies on the mainland by end of 2014 and 26,005 of them submitted operating figures. In the year, they organized 131.2 million domestic tourists, and received 144.6 million. The number of outbound visitors organized by agencies was 39,149,822. For inbound visitors, they organized 14,100,446 and served 20,025,557, a decrease of 2.6% and 2.2% respectively.

Education and Training on Travel and Tourism in 2014

In 2014, there were 565 colleges in China enrolling 533,866 undergradutes to major in tourism manangement; 1,068 colleges enrolling 110,835 high vocational students to study tourism related courses; 147 colleges enrolling both undergraduate and high vocational students to major in tourism courses; and 933 secondary vocational schools receiving 123,000 to learn tourism.

The number of people who received relaveant training was 4,621,300, including 4,287,700 who received in-service training and 333,600 attending degree courses.

Data Source: Ministry of Culture and Tourism of People's Republic of China

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- Last updated on Jan. 26, 2025 by Sherry Xia -